

Your tax-deductible donations to Por un mejor HOY support operations in Mexico.

For example,
$10 will buy 6 pairs of flip-flops for children

$25 will buy boxes of crayons and notebooks for 10 little girls at NiƱas de Eugenia or Casa Perlas

$30 will pay for a one-day rental of a truck in Cuentepec to haul clay from the fields to town

$50 will pay for 1 day's food basket for a group of volunteers in a rural community

$75 will cover the cost of 10 soccer balls or basketballs to donate to the energetic teens at CAM

$100 will buy 1 anti-snakebite shot and the first-aid kit that we always carry and then donate to rural communities

The newly formed Mexican business Casa HOY carries out HOY's mission of offering life-altering experiences to travelers who volunteer their time in Mexico. Participants work at a variety of projects, institutions and communities.

Por un mejor HOY is a New York 501(c)3 nonprofit. Your donation is channeled to operations in Cuernavaca, Mexico, which include maintenance of the hostel where volunteers are housed, supplies for volunteer activities and basic necessities at volunteer workplaces both in the city of Cuernavaca and in villages in the state of Morelos.

Donations may be made through PayPal by clicking the button below.

Or, if you prefer to send a check (payable to "Por un mejor HOY"), it may be mailed to the following address:

Por un mejor HOY
c/o Rebecca Barnhart
535 North Griffith Park Drive
Burbank, CA 91506
Thank you. Peace, health and prosperity in 2011!