

An interactive/cooperative/educational experience in the state of Morelos, Mexico

Option 1: A week at Casa HOY
  • Daily volunteer activities at a foster home for youth, a food bank,
    a community recycling center, and other sites
    (emphasizing both
    hands-on and human interaction)
  • Talks on Mexican culture, social activism, local & global issues
  • Optional 1-hour daily Spanish classes/conversation
  • Visits to lesser-known local attractions
  • Team-building dynamics
  • Meetings with local activists, artisans, students
  • Excursions to nearby towns, ruins, natural areas

For groups of 6-8 people
Cost per individual per week: US$250-$350
(depending on number of activities, talks, meals, etc.)
Basic service includes:
  • hostel-type lodging
  • breakfast
  • local transportation
  • talks and Spanish hour
  • all dynamics and arrangements for volunteer service
  • one guided tour
  • wireless Internet

Option 2: A week living and working in a rural community

For groups of 8-15 people
Cost per individual per week: US$500

  • basic lodging
  • all meals
  • local transportation
  • all dynamics, activities, and arrangements for volunteer service

*A great life experience abroad for college students, youth clubs & networks,
church groups, socially responsible companies, and other groups
Winter, spring, and summer breaks

Please contact us 3-6 months in advance
to begin the registration process
and schedule a week or two in 2010 at:
Gracias y saludos!
Team Casa HOY

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