Bad news may come pouring out of Mexico, but Casa HOY is here to tell you the inspirational part—the part that is not covered in much of the foreign or even domestic press.
This past Wednesday, April 6, transforming their grief and frustration, ordinary Mexican citizens used their voice to protest the violence across the country provoked by a “war” imposed on the people by its own government. “Ya basta” and “No mas sangre” were the demands of the day.
Inspired by personal loss, Mexican poet and journalist Javier Sicilia called on his compatriots to demonstrate publicly their inconformity with Mexico’s and the U.S.’s “war” on drugs as the two countries overlook the causes of the problem and the devastating effects on the citizenry of an erroneous policy that caters to high-level interests. Too many innocents have perished, trapped between the crossfire of political criminals and organized criminals.
20,000 marched in Cuernavaca alone. In other cities across the country, including the nation’s capital, thousands more joined the coordinated protest.
Mexicans are taking the route of pacific protest to pressure the powers that be to represent their people and hear their demands.
In the words of the anthropologist Margaret Mead, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
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