

An interactive/cooperative/educational experience in the state of Morelos, Mexico

Option 1: A week at Casa HOY
  • Daily volunteer activities at a foster home for youth, a food bank,
    a community recycling center, and other sites
    (emphasizing both
    hands-on and human interaction)
  • Talks on Mexican culture, social activism, local & global issues
  • Optional 1-hour daily Spanish classes/conversation
  • Visits to lesser-known local attractions
  • Team-building dynamics
  • Meetings with local activists, artisans, students
  • Excursions to nearby towns, ruins, natural areas

For groups of 6-8 people
Cost per individual per week: US$250-$350
(depending on number of activities, talks, meals, etc.)
Basic service includes:
  • hostel-type lodging
  • breakfast
  • local transportation
  • talks and Spanish hour
  • all dynamics and arrangements for volunteer service
  • one guided tour
  • wireless Internet

Option 2: A week living and working in a rural community

For groups of 8-15 people
Cost per individual per week: US$500

  • basic lodging
  • all meals
  • local transportation
  • all dynamics, activities, and arrangements for volunteer service

*A great life experience abroad for college students, youth clubs & networks,
church groups, socially responsible companies, and other groups
Winter, spring, and summer breaks

Please contact us 3-6 months in advance
to begin the registration process
and schedule a week or two in 2010 at:
Gracias y saludos!
Team Casa HOY


End of Summer at Casa HOY / Fin del verano en Casa HOY

Another Summer has ended at Casa HOY....but not without great memories....
Our last 3 participants from Canada, Australia, and the States enjoyed their respective weeks of volunteer work, specially visiting the girls from Casa Perlas, a foster home for former street kids or minors with parents in prison. There, HOY´s participants gave informal English classes, origami and bracelet-making workshops, swam and played games with the energetic and always smiling girls. Casa HOY will receive more visitors at the end of the year...more news coming in the Fall!

Otro verano terminó en Casa HOY....pero no sin dejar buenos recuerdos...
Nuestros 3 últimos visitantes de Canada, Australia, y los Estados Unidos disfrutaron sus respectivas semanas de trabajo voluntario, especialmente visitando a las niñas de la Casa Perlas, un albergue para antigüos niñas de la calle, o menores con padres en la prisión. Ahí, los participantes de HOY dieron clases de inglés informal, al igual que talleres de origami y como hacer pulseras, también nadaron y jugaron con las siempre energéticas y sonrientes niñas.
Casa HOY recibirá más visitantes al final del año...más noticias pronto!